Which Is A Proper Way To Close Android Apps ?

Dear RTT, I am using Android from a long time now, and I always wonder which is the correct way to close an app on Android? I know one can use the Home button or Back button to closes the app, I have also seen few people using task killer to close an apps. but if all three methods does the same thing , then what is the difference.
Once I closed my app, I don’t want it to run in background and use my phone resources, So I was just wondering out of these 3, which one is the proper method to close an app on Android?

android back button vs home button

Well, Mr Curious, thanks for bring this up, closing apps on android is something each of us do many time a day without giving it much thought. So which is ideal approach to close an app ? Should be press the back button, the home button or use task killer apps ? If all of them are doing the something then what makes them different from each other ?
Here is a detail guide to answer all these question.
TL;DR  You can use either of two, ie. home button or back button to close an app, both do the same thing.

Detail Explanation of Android back button vs home button

Back button: Theoretically when back button is press, it will call onDestroy(), which tell android that user wants to quit this application and system will destroy the any present information on the application. But some apps like Spotify and Google apps don’t follow this and most of the apps still remain available in recent apps. Therefore next time the user open the app he or she will see the default welcome screen of the app.

Home Button  calls the onPause() method, that tells the system to hold the information on the screen as the user will come back and use it again. And if the user don’t come back after a set amount of time these application will be reset and lost from recent apps.
Android are smarter OS. They know it well on when and how much resource should be allocated. You may have seen closed apps appearing under recent apps even if you have press the back button instead of home button. Why? This is because, retrieving apps from cache is faster than opening a new one.
And as far as allocation of resources go, Activities don’t run in the background on Android, therefore consuming very less (almost nothing) amount of memory or battery. They are just their, because the next time you open this apps, they will launch quickly.
On the contrary, it is not recommended to use task killer apps to close Apps. But sometimes, if you really need to force closed an app, then use the inbuilt force close option, available under device setting > Apps > Tap on the app you want to close > Force closed.


It doesn’t really matter if you press the home button or back button to close an app, it only changes what you are going to see next time you open the app while your device battery or memory remain unaffected by which method did you used for closing the app.


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